Tuesday, November 14, 2006

First post in Blogger Beta

Blogger promotes to beta-version.
Well, I will call it a progress.
Just try to do the first posting.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

poor result in experiment

最近很忙。 一直都在 enjoy c++ programming, 花了两个月的时间写了6000多行的c++ 代码做 semi-unsupervised dependency parsing, 可是初步得到的实验结果不理想, 这真是打击我的工作积极性。 郁闷了整一天。 倒是老板人很好, 我刚开始做这个idea的时候,她就常读我说 It is ture that research is serious, but life is more important. 我还在努力做实验, 给她汇报我的工作进展的时候,她就对我说, Don't push yourself too much, even your idea dosen't work, it is not the end of the world, you will get some other new idea. 得到的实验结果不佳, 原因众多, 毕竟是初步的结果, 好多地方都没有优化数据呢。 继续努力!